
Diving board

Because sometimes, we just need to dive in

When I was working as a clinical midwife, there was a real ‘sink or swim’ narrative going on around career progression: when you move into new roles or new clinical areas, you just have to get on with it. After all, that’s what everyone else has done!

I explored this further during my doctoral research, and there it was again: midwifery leaders had been offered little or no formal development; and when it was offered, it came at a point when they had been in a leadership or management role for some time.

This is where my coaching philosophy came from:

What if midwives were supported to explore future career paths before they found themselves living a new and challenging role?

What if one-to-one support were offered at the point when midwives are new to a role?

Using Insights Discovery as my framework, I support midwives and other maternity care workers to clarify their goals, identify strengths and areas for development, and realise their full potential.

I’m honest and challenging, but I’m also passionate about supporting you in your development – whatever pool you choose to dive into.

Get in touch to find out more, and maybe the diving in won’t be as terrifying as you thought!